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International Summits are more intimate gatherings of vGeneration Members, designed to focus attendees on the right actions and behaviors that will help you grow your business and see success. Often the venue for exciting product launches and the kickoff of promotions, and the all-important recognition of our Members.

our Summit

June 9th, 2023 | Japan
Join us in the breathtaking land of the rising sun, Japan, for our highly-anticipated International Summit 2023. This exclusive event, designed for qualified community Members, unites global visionaries and thought leaders to explore the future of innovation and collaboration across borders.

October, 2022 | Japan
For Community Members, the vGeneration International Summit will be a great memory of exciting news, reveals, and a celebration of achievements.

vGeneration hosts several different events during the year, bringing together and recognizing Community Members.
Each has a different focus and purpose, and all provide an unforgettable experience.