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Future Makers Council

As part of the Future Makers Council, vGeneration’s top performing Members get a firsthand look at emerging business trends and updates. Comprised of Stable Members, Stable Members, and Qualified Members, the Future Makers Council meets regularly and has a unique voice for all of vGeneration.

our Councils

November 10th, 2023 | Taiwan
The Future Makers Council met in November as part of the 2023 International Convention in Taipei. The clear highlight of this gathering was a first look at NutraMaticTM, the groundbreaking device set to revolutionize the supplement industry.

June 9th, 2023 | Japan
The Future Makers Council represents the pinnacle assembly within our organization, diligently working to achieve our community’s objectives. This distinguished council, comprised of a select group of Board Members, Executives, and Community Ambassadors, convenes twice a year for in-person meetings, supplemented by additional online gatherings.

vGeneration hosts several different events during the year, bringing together and recognizing Community Members.
Each has a different focus and purpose, and all provide an unforgettable experience.