Grand Gala

The most luxurious vGeneration dinner and Influencer celebration of the year, with special recognition across a dozen compelling categories. This is a night for Future Makers to shine like the stars they are!

our Grand Gala


Fastest Emerging Influencer Award

Honors the Influencer who joined in 2023 and achieved the most significant results within the year.

Youngest Emerging Influencer Award

Recognizes the youngest Influencer who joined in 2023 who has produced the biggest results in the year.

Digital Impact Award

Honoring Influencers making waves & using hashtags consistently. Showcase your digital prowess! #VyvoGG2025 #VyvoInfluencer2025. Apply today!

Social Advocator Award

Earn recognition for amplifying our mission & engaging content. Consistent sharing & hashtag use gets you noticed! #VyvoGG2025 #VyvoInfluencer2025 Apply today!

Community Growth Award

The Influencer who has brought the most new Members to the vGen community in 2023, based on layers.

Connector Award

Awarded to the Influencer who has connected the most new Members throughout 2023.

VSC Top Mining Community Award

The Influencer who has produced the largest amount of data mining blocks based on layers.

VSC Top Staking Influencer Award

Presented to the Influencer who has demonstrated outstanding commitment by staking the highest amount of $VSC.

Mentor of the Year Award

Celebrates the Influencer who has helped the most Connections in their community achieve the most new ranks and rank advancements in 2023.

Top Country Achievement Award

This award honors the country with the highest number of new Members and the greatest amount of USDV production.

NutraLife Community Growth Award

Recognizes a Member who has significantly expanded the community around the NutraLife AI Pack based on layers.

Global Community Influencer Award

Celebrates the Influencer who’s impact goes far beyond their own country by involving Members worldwide.